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Zodiac: Scorpio, the passionate one!

Date Range: October 23rd to November 23rd

Birthstone: Topaz

Element: Water

Traits: Passionate + determined + fearless

Dear Scorpio,

Your time is here! Eighth in line in the zodiac calendar, you bring us forward into cooler seasons where the sun descends even earlier. You light up the night sky with your passion and determination. This time of year often brings on moments of reflection and so does your tendency to look inward. A time of renewal is upon you and is the ideal time to switch up your well-known routines. As scary as it can feel you also know the benefits to change things up.

Your curiosity sends you on the hunt for the latest beauty and nail trends because you love to be ahead of the curve. Let your intuition guide you and bring excitement.

To feed your curiosity, fiery spirit and love of trends, we're breaking down our top Scorpio picks.



Consider this your sign to book your services, because we bet there is a lot to celebrate!

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